Tuesday 20 April 2010

Time to get an arse kicking!!

Well hello!

Perhaps now I won't get that constant ringing in my ears (yes Chinelo I mean you!)- yes I have finally got myself a blog AND i'm actually writing in it!!

Well perhaps I should start by introducing myself, my names Cherie and i'm still in mourning after hitting the grand old age of 26. I haven't quite reached the dizzy heights I had expected to have reached at this point in my life and as I feel like life is slipping through my fingers at rather a rapid pace - I should really be doing something about it (... so what does she do? writes a blog! I think this explains alot ...) Don't get me wrong, I don't have a bad life! I have a loving boyfriend, a job, friends, family, an Art Degree and I still get id'ed buying alcohol in the supermarket!!! (EPIC WIN AGAINST THE AGING PROCESS!!) but I'm still left with a rather sizable level of disatisfaction - the problem? A distinct lack of commitment and confidence in ANYTHING I do!!

My life (family, friends and current love life aside) is fast becoming a series of regrets and missed opportunities and my flat is quickly becoming the graveyard for my creations and ideas... Now please don't worry - I won't turn this blog into one constant moan, this is the start of my major kick up the arse!

(Actually ... I won't to lie to you - i'll probably moan abit and as much as my colleague Christina loves to push the ways of positive thinking on me I doubt i'm going to turn into a gleaming beacon of positivity over night!)

I'm going to put myself out there for the world to see, warts and all!!!! - or atleast thats the plan!!

Thinking about it I'm quite looking forward to it ... lets hope I stick to it!!

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